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Peaceful Transitions



In 2016, I lost the love of my life, my best friend, my husband to Huntington’s Disease.  I watched him cope with this condition for eight years and stood by his side as his caregiver, his support system and his voice when he could no longer speak.  There were so many decisions to be made and information to process.  As a family, we had so many questions to ask and medical personnel to meet with.  At times, it was overwhelming.

This disease ultimately took my husband’s life, and it forever impacted me, our children, our home, and the future we had planned.

During this challenging time, I discovered that my previous careers as a case manager, bereavement counsellor and health care educator prepared me well for this difficult path in our life.  It also made me acutely aware that everything I have gone through has laid the path for my new journey.

For several years, I have practiced Reflexology, Acupuncture and Massage Therapy, while incorporating energy work into these modalities.  My educational background as a registered social worker for over 35 years has rooted my skills in supporting families going through stressful situations.  Throughout my social service career, I have incorporated Grief and Bereavement Counselling and Hospice and Palliative Care training.  Recently, I have completed my training as a ‘Thanadoula’ or Death Doula, which is a non-medical practitioner that helps educate and provide support for End of Life Care.

Like most of my clients, I have children and grandchildren I love to pieces.

Travelling is one of my passions.  One place I enjoy visiting is Central America.  I spend a lot of time touring the country and teaching English, while absorbing everything the Latin culture has to offer.  This includes learning about their family-focused approach to death and dying. But my favourite place is the place I call home – Port Stanley.

I have lived in Elgin County for many years and both my roots and my heart are here.  I want to be able to help my friends, neighbours and community deal with the various transitions that we encounter in life.

I have lost loved ones, gone through difficult times and needed to lean on others for support.  Now, I am offering to be that support for someone else.

“If you don’t know how to die, don’t worry; Nature will tell you what to do on the spot, fully and adequately. She will do this job perfectly for you; don’t bother your head about it.”

– Montaigne

(519) 494-4112